近日,我院副教授万谍博士的论文《IPOrelative difficulty, M&A option and size effect》在《Journal of Asian Economics》2021年总第76卷正式刊出。该论文与银华基金量化投资部杨腾先生、中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院杨晓光研究员合著。Journal of AsianEconomics是美国亚洲经济研究会(AmericanCommittee on Asian Economic Studies, ACAES)旗下杂志,创刊于1990年,双月刊,影响因子2.159, 2021年SSCI分区中属于Q2。2020年8月起Elsevier成为该杂志的出版服务商。论文在这类国际高水平期刊上发表,有助于提升我院的科学研究和学科建设水平。
文章摘要:Sizeeffect in China’s stock market is huge from 2012 to 2017. We empiricallyidentify a driving force behind the effect: M&A option caused by IPO andM&A policies changes. We show that the M&A frequency increases and theacquirers' market value deceases as the IPO relative difficulty rises, smallfirm premium is positively related to both IPO relative difficulty and M&Afrequency, and among the listed firms that have stronger tendency to merge oracquire a private firm, size effect is significantly larger. These results holdwhen controlling reverse merger probability. In sum, we reveal a new mechanism:Comparing with a large public firm, a small one is more likely to acquire aprivate firm with discount since both the acquired and the acquirer benefitmore, so the stock price of a small firm contains a larger part of M&Aoption. This option value increases as IPO relative difficulty rises.